3/21/10 complaint to the DEA about an alleged major illegal methamphetamine speed drug epidemic at the FBI SID Ballston metro building.  I also complained about alleged illegal cocaine use at the FBI SID building.

At 8:27pm on 3/21/10, I submitted a complaint to the DEA drug tip line.  (Then at 8:27pm-8:29pm 3/21/10 I documented that I sent the complaint.)  In my complaint to the DEA I mentioned http://www.BustJayPendelton.com and complained about the alleged major illegal methamphetamine speed drug epidemic at the FBI SID Ballston metro building.  I complained about the routinely alleged illegal methamphetamine speed at the FBI SID building and I also complained about the routinely alleged illegal cocaine at the FBI SID building.  The same complaint usually with slightly different wording was electronically sent to the DEA on 9/19/08, probably at least once between 9/19/08 and 1/31/09, 1/31/09, 6/08/09, 8/19/09, 10/4/09, and 1/14/10.

     In response to my electronic complaint to the DEA, within one half hour FBI SID criminal perp Jay Pendelton claimed (truly or falsely) that he deleted my email to the DEA.